The Good are religious and traditional women. They follow the leadership of their husbands. Good women seek cooperation with their men instead of confrontation. For them, marriage is a lifetime commitment to their husbands and children.
The Bad women are feminists leaders. Germaine Greer, is a perfect example of the blind leading the blind. Her book, The Female Eunuch, led to the Aussie slut. She argued that women should be more like men . Greer is one of Australia's few exports to Britain.
The Ugly women are followers of the feminist leadership. They adhere to every word of the feminist 'gospel' and their man-hating indoctrination, misinformation and propaganda. The blind leading the blind down the path of destruction. They are also the ferals have a disregard for physical appearance.
I agree, in anglo countries, you find a lot of "bad" and "ugly" women. Feminists have to be the most man hating group in the world. Also, they are the most unattractive women on the face of the earth!