Aussie women first came to these shores as prostitutes on the First Fleet. Nothing seems to have changed. Marriage in Australia can often be referred to as legal prostitution. Convict men were also transported alongside these sluts. It never ceases to amaze me that the heroes and idols of Aussie girls are the criminal types like Ned Kelly and Chopper Read. Truckloads of fan mail is daily delivered to the most violent inmates from orgasmic Aussiecunts. Rapists and killers. The more horrific the crime, the more the prison staff have to beat back the admiring groupies.You don't have to be a sociologist to observe that in equal proportion to the bad treatment and violence inflicted on these stupid bitches by these thugs, the greater the loyalty and devotion. Forget about being Mr Niceguy or a gentleman to sweep these sluts from their feet.
A perfect example of Aussie womenhood is by watching the TV soap opera series 'Prisoner'. Rough, rude and ready for rooting. They have little femininity and submissiveness to attract any decent guy.
Even the unofficial national anthem 'Waltzing Matilda' celebrates the glories of a sheep thief. The words of the official anthem, 'Advance Australia Fair' is far too difficult for Aussie women to sing.
"Forget about being Mr Niceguy or a gentleman to sweep these sluts from their feet."
ReplyDeleteDamn right. Being a gentleman in Australia is like being a pork chop in a mosque - fuckin' pointless. Chicks over hear are rough and ready for all takers. Pretty much all chicks in Aussieland love violent, mindless thugs and will spread their legs for any guy who wants to fuck them. If he wants to smack her around afterwards (or beforehand), most Aussiesluts are up for that too. Of course, being the hypocritical shits they are, Aussiesluts then turn around and say shit like, "There's no good men out there" or "Why do I attract such assholes?" The answer is simple - you choose to be with assholes over polite men so all guys want to be assholes to get you. Simple psychology. I bet a fuckin' five year old could understand that but not a typipcal Aussieslut. Guys who treat women like shit are never short of a root down under as Aussiesluts can't line up to suck their dicks fast enough. Meanwhile, these dumb cunts wonder why reasonable and respectable men are going to foreign countries to find wives. WAKE UP you stupid bitches. The reasons you can't find good men in Australia are a) you don't want them and b) they are all looking for decent, respectable women overseas.
Aussiesluts deserve what they get and generally get no better than they deserve.